When using the system it is sometimes necessary to change file permissions. How to Change Permissions FTP Most FTP clients allow for changing permissions directly within FTP. To do this you would...

When using the system it is sometimes necessary to change file permissions. How to Change Permissions FTP Most FTP clients allow for changing permissions directly within FTP. To do this you would...
All domains hosted with Global MCS need to have their DNS set to the following servers for the domain name to function properly: * NS1.GLOBALMCS.NET* NS2.GLOBALMCS.NET* NS3.GLOBALMCS.NET*...
1. Open a Web browser (Internet explorer, Firefox or Safari) and type https://plesk1.globalmcs.net:8443/ into the address bar. 2. Type in your username. 3. Type in the password. 4. Click on the Log...
All email accounts we host, regardless of the domain name, will use the following server settings. To use a secure connection, use the settings marked "SSL." Server Type Server Name Port POP3...