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File Permissions

by | Jan 26, 2014

When using the system it is sometimes necessary to change file permissions.

How to Change Permissions


Most FTP clients allow for changing permissions directly within FTP. To do this you would highlight the file that you want to use, and select from the command menu “change file permissions.” There is an option for “manual.” This is where you will enter the desired permissions settings. The exact process varies among FTP clients, we recommend checking the documentation.

Control Panel File Manager

Within the control panel’s file manager a menu giving the option to change permissions is made available by selecting (clicking on) the file you wish to change permissions for.

Reasons for Changing Permissions

Changing permissions of files can be done for a variety of reasons. You can chmod files to do things such as: mark them executable, give them write permission, restrict access to them, and a variety of other reasons. It is important to note that chmoding is nearly impossible to avoid when running Perl scripting. If you are trying to run a certain Perl script it could require execute permissions on the script itself, write permissions on a directory, and read on an informational page. Your cgi scripts should contain the proper documentation to inform you of the proper permissions settings.

File Permissions Chart

The chart below shows examples of different chmod settings and the permissions associated with them. In most cases, “755” should always be used when configuring a script you’ve written yourself or located on the web.

Command Meaning
777 The file is available for Read, Write, and Execute for the owner, group, and world

755 The file is available for Read, Write, and Execute for the owner; and Read and Execute only for the group and world

644 The file is available for Read and Write for the owner, and Read only for the group and worl

666 The file is available for Read and Write for the owner, group, and world.

File Permissions was last modified: December 27th, 2024 by Global MCS, LLC

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