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Top 5 Reasons Why You Need to Choose WordPress to Develop Your New Website

by | Aug 5, 2017

If you are not able to decide whether WordPress would be the right platform for developing your new web site then the details we will be sharing here will help you understand why it is a popular choice for creating websites.

Right from cost point of view to functionality and extensibility, WordPress excels in all spheres of web development. Let us look at the details in the following sections.

Why choose WordPress for building a new website?

Reasons we will share here will certainly help you make up your mind in favor of using WordPress for your new website. Let us explore these reasons here.

Low Expenditure on Ownership

One of the best things about WordPress is that it is a free as well as open source platform. This means you can freely download all of its source code, modify it and use it as per your needs. Thus, there is absolutely zero ownership cost of using this excellent and powerful content management system.

Cost is one of the primary reasons many website owners are now shifting over to WordPress since developing a web site using any of the proprietary content management systems can turn out to be very costly.

Moreover, these proprietary content management systems often have a recurring fees that you have to pay to use the CMS on a continuous basis. As such, running cost for a website can creep up even when any minor updates are to be performed on a web site.

Less Expenditure on Management

Managing websites that use WordPress is also relatively simple, which means expenditure you have to incur on management will be very low.

If you hire a WordPress development company then they can easily develop your site by using just a few plugins and many of these are generally free plugins.

In case, requirement arises to use premium plugins, then also WordPress is ahead of other content management systems since these premium plugins are very reasonably priced in comparison to plugins offered by other content management systems.

Easy Management

Another strong reason for popularity of WordPress is that it is very easy to manage. WordPress provides a clean interface and a strong framework which developers can use to create simple to manage websites.

Few of the important features worth mentioning here are Custom Fields and Custom Post Types that give developers the ability to extend use of WordPress even further along with web admin which can be used for managing information quite easily.

SEO Friendly CMS Platform

Another important factor behind popularity of WordPress is its SEO friendly architecture, which means that basics of search engine optimization are well catered to on this CMS platform.

Additionally, there are several useful plugins (such as SEO by Yoast) which can be used for improving SEO for any website, making it considerably easy to make your website seo friendly.

Easily Extensible

Good thing about WordPress is that it is extensible, allowing you to add new functionality just by adding necessary plugins. Thus, you can add any type of functionality on your site as you want by simply using power of extensibility WordPress provides.

As for instance, you can easily include complex forms on your web site, integrate your site with a CRM or may well design an online shop with relative ease.

All your web development team will have to do is use an already available plugin or API to perform such integration for your site.

If you are also interested in developing your site in WordPress and looking for a WordPress development company then you can count on Global MCS for the same.

Our developers have several years of experience in WordPress development and can easily create your site in WordPress as well as integrate all the functionality you require.

All you have to do is contact us on our customer support number – (727) 686-1505 or send a quick email at – info@globalmcs.net and our experts will get in touch with you to understand your requirement and start developing your WordPress site.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Need to Choose WordPress to Develop Your New Website was last modified: February 7th, 2025 by Global MCS, LLC

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